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Nationals Entries

This is what we saw for entries for Nationals. I'm scrambling around a bit at the moment, so I can't really preview it at the moment, but this is at least a list of names to be on the lookout for on the distance side.

Jeffery Wiseman and Joe Logue in the open 800
Jack Huemmler and Ben Ritz in the Mile
Jon Colwell, Ethan and Colin Martin, Brendan Shearn in the 2 Mile
Max Norris and Brendan Shearn in the 5000m
Warrior TC A and B (WCH), Council Rock North TC (CRN), Cardinal O’Hara T+F Club (O’Hara) in the 4xMile
Cardinal O’Hara T+F Club (O’Hara), Pennsbury TC (PB) in the 4x800
Cardinal O’Hara T+F Club (O’Hara), Dtown West TC (DTW) – Leidal is listed as the anchor, Pennsbury TC, Strath Haven TC (SH) in the DMR
Emerging Elite 800: Brad Rivera, Kyle Adams, and Will Cather. I hope they put Rivera in the fast 800 heat, he deserves it.
Curt Jewett in the EE Mile (this was won last year by Alex Moran)
Sami Aziz and Lyle Wistar in the EE 2 Mile
EE 1600 SMR – Chestnut Hill and HGP


  1. Brad is listed under in the open 8 with weisman and logue...

  2. Norris shows in the 2 mile, too.

  3. they must have made some changes, that's good to see


  4. Norris and Rivera are new updates that have come in the last couple hours, exciting news

  5. are you doing 4x8 and dmr recaps from states before you start nationals coverage?
