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The Show Goes On

So for some reason, blogger doesn't seem to have any backgrounds that actually make the poll visible in terms of the names listed and the results with percentages so thats just dandy. If you highlight the box and go over the names with your mouse it makes it easier to see, so hopefully that helps. I'll continue to experiment with backgrounds and such.

Also I got the slideshow up on the side bar and you can click on that to see the full album up close. There are still a few glitches with that left to work out as well, but we are making progress here.

I don't know how accurate the total page views or the popular post links are, but they are up and hopefully they add to your blogging experience here. I'm trying to find some other things to update with that our cool so we shall see how that goes.

Also I just wanted to say the title of this post should in no way indicate any opinions about the poll, I was just referring to the fact that the blog is still ticking along nicely and my post streak is still very much alive.

Exciting stuff.

Also, the nominees for the real oscars came out just the other day which made me think .... I should put up the nominees for my oscars. You see the oscars, like the NFL, is a copy cat league, just ask the golden globes, so I will be putting up my oscar nominees some time in the near future. Hopefully tomorrow.

It may take a couple posts because I am planning on giving at least a little snippet of why they are up for the award to hopefully help the voting, and make it easier and what not.

Should be a fun time if all goes right.

So anyway stay active and if you have any comments or concerns or anything just let me know.

Stay classy.

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