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Official Show Production Post

I'm making this post as kind of like a forum for constructive criticism and creative and innovative ideas to improve the show. These first couple we are putting out are kind of test runs. We wanted to get something out there fast to show people we mean business and get some analysis out there. Now we are looking to improve our idea and make it more interesting and appealing to a variety of readers. Here are some of the ideas we are looking to implement in the future:

-Adding pictures and race videos to show who we are talking about while we are talking about them (we need copies of race videos from people, however)
-Getting some whiteboards involved to create a better visual for rankings and names
-Video interviews with some of the states best and up and coming performers (suggestions and volunteers now being accepted)
-Possibly changing our location, standing/sitting arrangement, something like that (personally I liked the set up but I want to get your feed back out there)
-Continuing to try and answer questions that you are asking and improve the show based on your suggestions, this blog works best off your input

Any suggestions to improve the show should be made under the comments here. I ask you to please restrict comments to this post only so that I can track improvements best. The other video posts can be strictly track and field discussion based which is I think what we all like the most.

More videos coming in the very near future.

1 comment:

  1. The interviews would be great. A big white board would be nice just to have a visual. Sitting seems more casual so I would go with that. Interviewer ideas:
