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So there have been a lot of issues with this coming up as of late. I love the enthusiasm and I like discussion, but some things seem to be getting out of hand. Personal attacks have been handed out in more frequent fashion than usual I'd say. When people were merely throwing around names at me it wasn't a big deal, I'm a big college man I can take a few one liners from anonymous people, but I don't want youngsters in HS getting completely bashed without a chance to defend themselves. Comments are coming in too fast for me to possibly police everything which means I may have to shut down commenting completely on the blog. I left a poll up for everyone to decide what they think is best for the future of the blog. If you have any suggestions for improvements please let me know. I can be stricter with deleting if necessary, but I would prefer if we were all adult enough to handle this with a little more class. Ultimately, when all is said and done this is for fun. If you don't think you can read what I have to say and not get fired up about it, then I take no offense from people not reading my blog anymore. I am not worried about appealing to the masses or going national or getting paid or anything. I do this for fun, and I hope that we can all have fun through this blog.

I am admittedly writing this at 1 am so if this isn't worded fantastic and doesn't completely make my point my mistake, I'm a little tired and so is my good buddy Kenny who is overseeing my work.

Overall, the point of this post is, vote on the poll on the side of this page to tell me if you thing commenting has gotten out of control enough for me to disable it from the blog.

I will be going through the most recent post and hiding any comments that I deem as argumentative and off topic. Sorry in advance.



  2. It's much easier to say mean/stupid things when you're anonymous. Maybe everyone should use their name (either sign it at the bottom, or use the drop down thing to "select profile"). If someone doesn't do that, just delete their comment. Just an idea.

  3. I don't think there should be a disabling of comments. My suggestion is that you might have to "patrol" comments more and delete them if necessary. Also maybe make a post about what kind of comments qualify a comment to be deleted. We all love your blog train. And we love to give our opinions. Keep up the good work train.

  4. I'm down with KHall. Make it so you have to sign up to comment and I'm sure those anonymous posters won't feel so tough once their name is out there. Also make a verification process that's pretty solid so they can't feed you some fake name.


    1. I'm all for this too, the idea of having a public blog where people who love the sport of Track/XC come to collaborate with each other and share their knowledge and opinion's is great. I don't want to see your blog get ruined by people hiding behind computer screens who talk trash on other runners, it's pointless and rude. What embarrasses me the most is when people make heinous claims and insults to other teams or runners almost like they're doing it on our behalf. You aren't making us proud when we see stuff like that, my initial reaction is to be totally ashamed for having someone so rude try to argue in favor of my team. Especially that person who said that "Henderson's coach is much better than O'Haras" it disgusted me, absolutely disgusted me to think that someone would say that knowing people from both teams read this blog. I am so grateful that I have a coach as good as Coach Kelly but I would never undermine the ability of someone as renowned as Coach Kennedy. You don't have a team as good as O'Haras simply because of luck. I think i'm about done venting because I've said everything that I've needed to say
