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Contacting Me

So I decided I'm going to go all out on this. Just for official reference, my name is Jarrett Felix so if you want to facebook friend me and hit me up on there with a message or whatever, that is fine by me. I check all the time. I have already gotten a bunch of messages and if the question is easy enough, I can respond with an answer much quicker through that method. Also it is nice to use if you don't like to post on the blog itself with private information or questions that are more specific or something like that. Also if you really want to get the updates I have a fan page where I will take suggestions on stuff, let you know when knew posts are up, etc. It's etrain11 on facebook so feel free to check that out.

I don't check my penntrack inbox that much anymore. I'm only to check results and forum posts on there if they seem interesting to me, but really most of the time I just check the blog. If you have major questions that you want me to make a post about, its probably best to post that up on the blog. I will respond to penntrack messages if that is how you prefer to go.

Lastly, I decided I'll throw my number down on here for things that can be answered short and quickly or if people want to update me on things right after races or something like that, I always have my phone on me. My number is 215-450-1099. You can remain anonymous if you really prefer that, but if I'm going to be getting texts from you I kinda would like to know who you are.

Lastly if you ever just want to talk to running feel free to message me on facebook or chat me or something like that. I'm a big fan and I love hearing from other big fans. If anyone else wants to start up their own rankings feel free, I feel like that will only make the process better and will help me learn about some guys I may not normally know.


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